Q: How do I order?
A: Please call James at 509-299-3029 for all new orders.
Q: How will my bow arrive?
A: US Mail. Over the years I have used them all. The US Mail has the best record for safely delivering your package and in one piece. I ship 3 days and insured.
Q: Do I have to get a grip like the bow pictured?
A: No. I am a custom bowyer and craft each and every bow. The most common grip for longbows are dished, and straight.
Q: What are your bow weight specs?
A: Your longbow will be within 2 pounds of your dessired weight.
Q: What string material is shipped with the bow?
A: B-50 or Fast Flight.
Q: Can you tiller the bow for 3 under?
A: In most cases the archer can tune the bow for 3 under. Most of the time it is a 1/8" adjustment from split-finger.
Q: How close to center shot are your bows?
A: Longbows are 1/8" from center.
Q: Glass colors
A: Options are black, white, light brown, dark brown, light gray, dark gray, green, red and clear
Q: Custom Bows
A; All orders $100.00 down Nonrefundable.
Q: How about my Bows Warranty
A: Warranty is 1 year on JD Berry Bows